30 non-vegan excuses and how to deal with them
Hello everyone. This vegan article summarizes a free e-book (requires registration) provided by my favorite vegan educator, Ed Winters.
Even if you know that veganism is the right way to live, it's hard to explain it in a way that people can understand. It is also true that some people who like to debate want to silence vegans by arguing.
This article is useful for both vegans who want to be able to express their opinions, and vegans who want to deepen their understanding, so please use it as a reference.
However, the volume has increased considerably. Ten interesting items are marked with a star in the table of contents.
- table of contents -
0. Tips for effective communication
1. Do you say you like animals and eat them? ★
2. Eating animals is a personal choice.
3. Because it's delicious, you can't quit ★
4. Animals eat other animals
5. You need to eat animals for nourishment
6. It can't be helped because it's tradition and culture ★
7. Our Ancestors Evolved By Eating Animals
8. If you don't eat, animals may overpopulate or become extinct
9. Human rights issues are more important than that
10. Plants feel pain too ★
11. Animals feel less pain and suffering than humans
12. It can't be helped because it's a food chain
13. Humans are more intelligent than animals
14. Humans give life to animals
15. Why not just treat animals better?
16. Because morality is subjective
17. Everything in Moderation
18. You can never be 100% vegan ★
19. What if you were stranded on a deserted island?
20. Isn't vegetarian enough? ★
21. Hitler Was A Vegetarian / Unacceptable Because I Have An Obnoxious Vegan Acquaintance
22. What about the ranch jobs?
23. It can't be helped because this is the cycle of life
24. Animals are bred for a reason
25. Even soybean farming is destroying the environment ★
26. Veganism is extreme, expensive and difficult, and why are you eating meat substitutes in the first place?
27. Humans are omnivores with canine teeth.
28. God says humans can eat animals
29. My friends and family hate me when I go vegan ★
30. I can't change anything by myself
0. Tips for effective communication
An important thing to remember when starting a conversation is that the person you are talking to will make an opinion based on the conversation. Therefore, it is important to take a calm and logical stance. Otherwise, you will give the other person the impression that veganism itself is unreasonable.
Getting frustrated, trying to argue, or being arrogant about taking mounts will only push your opponent further away.
Effective discourse is simply asking questions rather than giving answers. By asking questions, you allow the other person to come to their own conclusions, highlighting the hypocrisy and irrationality in their perception of animals and making them understand themselves.
Instead of asserting, "There is no humane way to kill an animal," ask, "Do you think there is a humane way to kill an animal?"
1. Do you say you like animals and eat them?

Is it possible to keep eating animals even though you love animals? Saying you love animals and then eating an animal that has been killed is like saying, "I love my children, but I can beat them." If you have a parent who says, “I love my child, but I beat him up,” I would think that parent is a psychopath.
Ask, "Do you really love animals if you pay to hurt them?" Perhaps they never thought about their relationship with animals in this way.
2. Eating animals is a personal choice.

"Respect my opinion!" "Don't impose your opinion!" These are excuses for people who eat animal products to defend themselves.
This is the same as racists continue to racist and rapists continue to rape. Likewise, abusing dogs and cats is justified as an individual liberty. Just as we cannot approve of murderers, rapists, and abusers, we cannot justify paying and supporting non-vegans to willingly kill animals.
Non-vegans in these cases are either unaware of the fact that animal products are made from living animals, or they disregard animal life, believing that the consumption of animal products only affects them. Either
When you try to teach something to a non-vegan person, you will find yourself in a situation where you should respect other people's opinions. But as vegans we already respect other opinions. We respect the feelings of all animals and fish that are exploited and killed every day.
We also respect the feelings of human beings who are victims of the system of animal exploitation in modern society. Consuming animal foods greatly increases the risk of cancer, diabetes, stroke, dementia, and heart disease, so you're also respecting the other person's desire to live longer.
When defiantly told to "respect the opinions of others," it leads to the question of what feelings other than their own they consider. When someone says, "It's individual freedom," ask, "What happens to animals who want to live? Have you ever thought about their freedom?"
3. Because it's delicious, I can't quit

After all, humans eat animal products for their taste. But no excuse is acceptable to admit that the individual desires of an individual's taste are more important than the morals of animal life.
Those who make these excuses are often unaware and unaware of the fact that their sense of taste is more important than the lives of animals. For those who say, "I love the taste of meat and cheese and can't quit," ask, "Is your sense of taste more important than the lives of animals?"
There is also the problem of justifying yourself by saying, ``My desire for taste is too strong to be suppressed, and I should not be held accountable for my immoral actions.'' But where do we draw the line? If a murderer says, 'I enjoy killing so much that I can't stop,' will it be admissible in court?
It may be argued that you want to enjoy the taste of more animal products. But the inconvenience of giving up cheese is far less than the suffering of cows being repeatedly forced pregnant and separated from their young. They are painfully milked until emaciated and slaughtered. It's a paltry excuse compared to the pain, suffering and fear animals experience.
The life of an animal that disappears from our food, which is over in 15 minutes, is eternal death. What food is so valuable as to take the life of a unique animal?
Ask a person who excuses their tastes this way. "Is it not enough to justify the exploitation and killing of animals just because they want to satisfy their taste buds?" Can you justify it?" "Do you think it's okay to force an animal that doesn't want to die?"
Also, there are now plenty of vegan alternatives to cheese, milk, eggs, and meat, so you don't have to give up the flavor of animal products such as hamburgers, hot dogs, lasagna, curries, cheese pizza, cakes, cookies, and ice cream. Let me explain. Introducing restaurants with plant-based ingredients and vegan menus is also effective.
4. Animals eat other animals

It is true that animals eat other animals, but there is a reason this statement is not credible.
First of all, it is necessary to compare the anatomy of carnivores and humans. Carnivores have sharp claws, huge fangs, and short intestines that are ideal for digesting meat. Humans have incredibly long intestines, but they are useless for digesting meat and are at risk of constipation and colon cancer. Carnivore stomach acid is very strong hydrochloric acid and ideal for digesting raw meat. On the other hand, since human stomach acid is weak, it is easy to understand why undercooked meat can cause food poisoning.
Think of it this way. If you were locked in a room with a live chicken and an apple, you would always eat the apple first. We don't feel hungry when we see living things, and we don't want to kill them.
Animals kill their prey themselves. They don't feel traumatized by killing, and they don't pay to be killed for them. If it was natural to eat meat, there would be no objection to killing animals. Nor will they hide the truth from their children. But the reality of the slaughterhouse is too disturbing and disturbing for children.
Animals kill their prey out of necessity, but humans don't. It's important to understand these connections, so ask non-vegans, "Are you a natural carnivore?" If you say, "I like the taste," let's ask, "Is the sense of taste more important than life?"
5. You need to eat animals for nourishment

The fact that we vegans continue to live is proof that this excuse is not true. However, most people believe that animal products contain nutrients not available elsewhere and are necessary for our health and longevity.
The main nutrients that come up in conversations with non-vegans are protein, iron, and calcium. A little more advanced will also touch on vitamin B12.
In the nutrition debate, both the American Dietetic Association and the British Dietetic Association have announced that plant-based diets practiced by vegans are nutritious, safe, and suitable for all ages, including pregnant women. is to explain That means you get the protein, iron, calcium and other nutrients we associate with animal foods without exploiting the animals.
Elephants, rhinos and hippos, the largest and strongest land animals on earth, are all herbivores. Gorilla DNA is about 98% the same as humans and is a herbivore. Animals with almost the same DNA as humans and far superior strength get the nutrients they need from plants.
There are many plant-based athletes around the world, including multiple world strength record holder Patrick Baboumian, NFL's David Carter, weightlifter Kendrick Farris, and boxer David Haye.
Give non-vegans this information about nutrition and then ask them, "Do I need to eat animals?" Then ask, "Isn't killing animals unnecessary cruelty?"
6. It can't be helped because it's tradition and culture

It is true that humans have been eating animals for centuries. But is it possible to justify the continuation and existence of such a thing with the excuse that "it is a tradition to eat animals"?
Once upon a time slavery and misogyny were traditional. Female genital mutilation is traditional in some areas. Can you justify it? Tradition should not be used as an excuse to justify them.
Bullfighting in Spain, dolphin fishing in Japan, Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China, Boknal Dog Meat Festival in Korea. All of them are traditional events, but I would like to ask, "Yulin Dog Meat Festival is a tradition, but does it mean that it is okay to kill dogs and cats?"
Why should we celebrate cultures by killing innocent animals when we can honor different cultures and areas of life through music, dance and language? Although they look different, animals and humans are equals.
The tradition excuse is an ego construct passed down through generations to stifle change.
When using tradition as an excuse, ask, "Is female genital mutilation justified because it is a tradition?" Do you think that tradition is a good indicator of our morality?"
7. Our Ancestors Evolved By Eating Animals

The saying, "If your ancestors didn't eat meat, you wouldn't exist" isn't necessarily wrong, but we can refer to primitive humans, ancestors who don't share the same morals of modern humans, as our morals. Why?
Ask, "If eating animals is justified because our ancestors did it, then shouldn't it justify killing each other because our ancestors did it?"
Some people say, "We have been eating meat since ancient times," just like our ancestors. Looking to the past for our way of life is going against the times. If you say, "This is what we've done so far," try asking, "There was a time when misogyny was the norm, so is misogyny allowed today?"
We humans evolved from primates who survived on a diet consisting primarily of fruits, nuts, plants, and insects. Some argue that flesh underpinned our intellectual development and evolution. Even so, it is irrelevant to modern society because it doesn't mean that your brain develops every time you eat a Big Mac, or that you evolve as a human being every time you enter a KFC.
There is no doubt that eating animals helped us survive during times of food shortages. But just as the fact that much of modern society is built on the foundations of former slavery does not justify modern slavery, eating animals helped us survive the past. That fact does not justify eating animals in modern times.
Consuming animal products shortens our lives, destroys the environment and causes unimaginable harm to innocent animals.
8. If you don't eat, animals may overpopulate or become extinct

The excuse is the idea that if you stop eating animals, all of them will be released and wreak havoc on the environment, or will be slaughtered and then simply discarded.
In response to this, it is sufficient to explain the fact that livestock farming consists of a system of supply and demand. Livestock farmers keep as many animals as they can sell and never more.
People around the world won't become vegan overnight, but if veganism increases gradually over a long period of time, the number of animals in captivity will decrease proportionately, and billions of animals will be released into the wild. It's not going to be a situation to be slaughtered.
Then there are those who claim that "animals will become extinct." In the first place, the animals that we eat are not animals in the natural world. They are all bred and conveniently bred animals that should never have existed.
Dairy cows are engineered to produce up to 10 times more milk than they should, chickens are bred to lay up to 300 eggs per year instead of 10-20 as they should, and sheep produce more wool than they should and produce more. Modified to produce many lambs.
These animals are unlikely to survive alone in the wild and will need human care. Ultimately the choice is whether to keep these animals or whether it is ethically better to restore the natural biodiversity in exchange for the absence of these animals.
It is also important to note that many of these animals are not endemic to the country. Sheep, for example, are not native to America and shouldn't be there. Original wildlife habitats are destroyed to make way for ranches, and wild animals are often hunted and killed to protect the sheep on the ranch.
If someone mentions extinction, it is important to point out that animal husbandry is the main cause of species extinction and we are facing the largest species extinction in the last 65 million years.
9. Human rights issues are more important than that

When I was vegan and advocated for animal rights, I suddenly became a fervent humanitarian and tried to justify myself with the excuse that I should focus on solving human rights issues. Someone will appear.
The problem with this excuse is that it applies to anything. In response to the opinion that "I think it is important to help the homeless", "Shouldn't we be more concerned about rebuilding Syria?" Shouldn't we be more considerate of the workers in our garment factories?" All these issues need to be resolved.
The biggest problem with this excuse is the tribalistic idea that humans are separate from the animal kingdom.
Ironically, if humanity becomes vegan, not only animal exploitation but also human rights issues can be eliminated. Currently, we produce food for 12 billion people in a world of 7.5 billion people, and yet 800 million people are starving due to lack of food. It is said that it is possible. 82% of hungry children live in countries where livestock feed is grown. Going vegan can put an end to unfair food distribution.
And end the exploitation of migrant slaughterhouse workers and the poor, who suffer from the highest rates of suicide, drug, alcoholism, PTSD and depression of any occupation. We can also end the exploitation of tannery workers in India and Bangladesh, where 90% of workers die before the age of 50 and children are born severely disabled by toxic chemicals. We can end the exploitation of the Amazonian tribes that the livestock industry is uprooting for land.
The fact that people are being sacrificed to produce the animal products we eat and wear makes us realize that being vegan is also a commitment to human rights. increase.
When faced with excuses like these, don't you think it's crazy that 800 million people are starving while they have enough food to feed the 56 billion livestock that are killed each year? Is it acceptable to pay someone to kill an animal just because someone is homeless or homeless?”
10. Plants feel pain too

Plants have no central nervous system, no pain receptors, no brain. Anatomically, you can't feel pain. It is believed that the reason why humans and animals feel pain is to let them know they are in danger and to escape from the situation, but plants cannot escape pain because they cannot move.
It is true that plants perform various activities at the cellular level, such as leaning toward sunlight, but they do not act based on perception. "Plants respond but do not respond." Venus flytraps do not close the leaves when they recognize that a fly has landed on them.
No one thinks that putting cauliflower in boiling water is like boiling a chicken alive, cutting off the stalk of broccoli and decapitating a cow, peeling potatoes and castrating a pig. I guess.
In fact, it takes up to 16 kg of plants to produce 1 kg of animal meat. It should also be understood that far more plants are killed to make animal-based food than vegans, and that 91% of the destruction of the Amazon rainforest is caused by livestock farming. If you believe that plants can feel pain and are sentient, tell them that by consuming animal foods you are not only hurting animals, but also plants.
The scientific basis for why plants feel pain is partly unknown, so it's good to talk about the amount of plants killed for animal food. "Did you know that it takes up to 16kg of plants to produce 1kg of animal meat, and far more plants are killed than vegans?" When it comes, would you like to avoid the dog and steer into the weeds on the side of the road?" These questions impress us with a moral line between animals and plants.
11. Animals feel less pain and suffering than humans

From a scientific point of view, the area of the brain that processes pain in animals is comparable to that of humans, and they respond to pain in the same way as humans. When our pets are in pain, they exhibit abnormal behavior such as rocking, vocalizing in pain, and changes in breathing rate and depth. This is the same for humans.
Fish have also been scientifically proven to feel pain and have sensory neurons that are physiologically identical to humans. In fact, when fish showing pain were given morphine, the symptoms and reactions disappeared.
Emotional pain has also been proven to be felt by animals. Mother cows who have lost their babies cry and mourn for hours, and animals such as dogs are known to feel anxious when their human companions leave them.
So the question is, do animals feel pain as much as humans do? There seems to be an idea that people who think they are intellectually sophisticated can feel more pain. But there is no evidence to support it. Rather, it is considered correct to assume the opposite.
For example, if you break your leg, you know what the problem is, you know it can be easily treated, and the pain will end. Animals, on the other hand, can't understand what has happened in the same way that humans can, they are so confused by pain, they can't understand that there is an end to pain, so the same event can be much worse. .
But in reality, we have no idea how much pain an animal feels. That doesn't justify inflicting unnecessary pain. It doesn't matter how much pain people feel, it's about empathy that they don't want to experience it.
12. It can't be helped because it's a food chain

The food chain in the natural world is very important, but the act of forcibly breeding, raising and slaughtering animals bears no resemblance to the food chain, which is far from nature. It is a concept constructed by humans to conveniently justify an act that is totally unnecessary, and to assert our status as the most dominant and powerful species. We believe that because we are at the top of the pyramid, we have the right to exploit those we see below us.
Nazis are better than Jews, whites are better than blacks, some religions are better than others, humans are better than animals, atrocities committed by humans are their own It has been done from the belief to show off power.
Instead, a position of power implies a responsibility to help the weak. We don't have to kill anyone to live, we can make the world a better place by using our powers and taking care of others. Our freedom of choice should be held morally responsible when we actively choose to inflict unnecessary suffering.
13. Humans are more intelligent than animals

The idea that intelligence determines the value of life is problematic. Pigs have been shown to be more intelligent than dogs and have the same cognitive abilities as a 3-year-old human. Is this a valid reason to eat dogs instead of pigs? If we choose food according to intelligence, we should eat the least intelligent plants and we should all be vegan.
Another problem with this excuse is that intelligence is highly subjective. If you measure a fish's ability by climbing a tree, the fish will not be evaluated. What does intelligence have to do with the value of life? Are intelligent people worth their lives? To those who say, "No other animal has built a spaceship and gone to space," I asked, "Have you ever built a spaceship and gone to space?" I ask those who say, "Can you compose a symphony?"
I have to say that we humans are the only race that is doing the least intelligent "destruction of the earth" despite the progress of technology. We are doing very little to protect the future of our species. When someone brings up the intelligence argument, "Is your life worth more than someone with a learning disability?" "What can a person with a high IQ do to a person with a low IQ?" Ask: "Is it okay for pigs to eat dogs because they are more intelligent than dogs?"
14. Humans give life to animals

The excuse that "livestock should be grateful because they are given life because of us." Let's apply this reasoning to humans. If a child is routinely beaten, deprived of food, and eventually dies due to parental abuse, do you think that "the parent gave the child the opportunity to experience life"? Should the child be grateful to be alive? would you appreciate it?
If I breed dogs, abuse them, and kill them, am I a good person for giving them life? Am I a morally righteous person because I couldn't live without me? Try asking these questions to your interlocutor. This excuse is used by persecutors and by very arrogant people who lead a comfortable life without suffering. No one who has experienced real suffering or who can understand it will ever claim to be grateful for a life of suffering.
Instead of being given a chance to live, you were repeatedly forcibly impregnated, robbed of your child each time you gave birth, contracted an unbearable variety of infectious diseases, and were weakened and hung upside down, had your throat slit, and were bled to death. It will be dragged while flowing. Can you accept such a life? "Thank you. Without you, I would not have been given this wonderful opportunity!"
The life that we humans give to animals is a hell that cannot be called life. Animals have nothing to thank.
The only time they will be grateful is when their lives are over, their pain and suffering are over, and they will never again look in the eyes of a human being who thinks it is okay to treat animals as commodities.
15. Why not just treat animals better?

It can be said that people who choose animal products labeled as organic or free-range show that they have a certain amount of compassion for animals. But do these words justify the exploitation and slaughter of animals?
Giving pillows to prisoners being waterboarded and describing them as "humanely tortured prisoners" is the same as keeping free-range chickens to keep them happy.
Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer says he drugged his victims before killing them. The victim suffered, felt no pain, and was killed unaware that he was dying. Was he a humanitarian killer?
Just as taking painkillers when you break your arm is better than doing nothing, it is argued that better treatment of animals is better as-is. But that doesn't solve the underlying problem. It's important to make it clear that there is no right way to do something wrong.
The problem is that no matter how wonderful an animal's life is, it becomes cruel when it is slaughtered. Animals don't want to live in bigger cages or be out on pasture for several months of the year.
Free range raises the price of eggs by making customers believe they are more morally correct than eggs from caged hens. The animal was slaughtered to death no matter what label it was labeled.
“Free-range and organic labels are marketing ploys. Chickens on farms are raised in huge coops with little fresh air or sunlight. Did you know that they are killed as soon as they are born and eventually all chickens are slaughtered?” “How can we compassionately and humanely kill an animal that does not want to die?” ?”
16. Because morality is subjective

If morality were truly subjective, all judgments of right and wrong would be accepted and there would be no need for justice or prisons. If that is true, you can counter by saying that murder, rape, arson, theft, etc. are all permissible based on individual subjectivity. Furthermore, "If morality is subjective, can someone justify killing you?"
One reason for the claim that morality is subjective is that animals do not live under a set moral code, but animals also behave ethically.
Many animals display emotions such as confusion, sadness, and grief when they understand that they have done something wrong. Without a code of ethics, there is no regret or guilt. Because I can't understand that what I did was wrong.
Needless killing is immoral and abuse is immoral. You don't need religion or science to understand it. We know these things because we understand what is right and what is wrong.
The essence of morality is victim awareness, and should be defined by whether or not there are victims who suffer needlessly from their actions. Morality is as simple as, "Do I want to be treated that way?"
17. Everything in Moderation

It connects the health and ethics debates for those who support the idea that eating less can lead to a healthier and more ethical life.
First of all, when I was told that a small amount of cheese or meat is good for the health aspect, I replied, "Even if you eat a little, it's still bad for you. One cigarette a month won't cause cancer." "Well, smoking is still bad for you. Similarly, eating bacon once a month won't kill you, but it's still inherently bad for you."
In addition, it can be said that "plant-based does not contain any harmful elements such as cholesterol, trans fats, hormones, antibiotics, etc."
Now let's look at the ethical implications. It is unacceptable for a racist to reduce the degree of racism, or for a misogynist to reduce the frequency of misogyny. As long as it's not gone, there are still affected victims.
This is why simply reducing the consumption of animal products is not justified. Ethical compromises such as moderation and reduction do not make sense for animals that are still being exploited and killed.
Many people who advocate "everything in moderation" put milk in their breakfast cereal, eat ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, cooked beef, chicken or pork for dinner, and milk for dessert. You will be eating sweets and chocolates using products. Such a diet is far from "moderate."
“While it is great that we are consuming less animal products for ethical reasons, it is important to note that even if we are not consuming as much as we used to, we are paying to contribute to the exploitation and slaughter of animals. Have you ever thought about it?"
18. You can never be 100% vegan

The claim that there's no point in trying if you can't be 100% vegan is used to suggest that it's okay to intentionally breed, raise and kill animals because they die in the process of producing crops. It is a claim to be made.
For example, "A firefighter went into a burning building to save a baby, but realized there was another one, and neither of them could help him, so they returned without helping anyone." A staff member found many children drowning in the sea, but did not save anyone because it seemed impossible to save all of them.” It's like saying, "You don't have to try to be a good person."
The purchase of animal products intentionally pays for the exploitation and slaughter of animals, but the purchase of plant products does not. If an animal dies in the process, it's unfortunate but unintentional. Accidentally running over a dog with a car isn't the same as intentionally chasing it.
Ask those who make this claim, "Is there a moral difference between accidentally hitting a dog with a car and intentionally hitting a dog with a car?" If the other person answers yes, then ask, "Is there a moral difference between an animal accidentally killed in the production process and an animal intentionally killed in a slaughterhouse?" Try it.
Also, animal products use far more plants than vegan products, so if you care about insects and other animals being killed in the production of your crops, you should still go vegan.
Veganism is often thought of as the pursuit of perfection, but it is about doing as little harm to animals as possible, not perfection.
19. What if you were stranded on a deserted island?

This excuse is intended to create the illusion that vegans are hypocrites. I would like to come to the conclusion that even vegans should prioritize their own lives and consume animal products in a life or death situation.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, vegan or not, the first thing you would look for is fruits and vegetables. If there are animals everywhere you can kill, there must be plants you can eat. If you had animals, you wouldn't know how to kill them, butcher them, or cook them. That's why I choose to befriend the animal and spend time with it until it slowly dies.
No one can decide what to do in a life or death situation. There are also cases of humans eating humans to survive. But even if you are forced to kill and eat an animal in a life-or-death situation, it does not justify eating animal products on a daily basis.
This is the main point of the objection. We are not stranded on a deserted island, so we do not kill and eat animals out of necessity. The logic is to create extreme conditions in which morally acceptable choices cannot be made, and to replace what is permissible on an uninhabited island with everyday society.
The nitty-gritty question is, "Why do you keep making choices that continue to destroy our planet, continue to slaughter innocent animals, keep children dying of hunger, and continue to compromise your own health?" Is it?"
20. Isn't vegetarian enough?

The problem with this excuse is that most vegetarians abstain from animal meat for ethical reasons, yet are ignorant of the full extent of how humans exploit animals. Being a vegetarian is not enough, especially if you consider yourself to be an ethical person.
In poultry farms, useless males that don't lay eggs go straight to the grinder as soon as they hatch. Whether free-range or organic, the first thing male chicks experience when they are born is to be killed, and eating eggs means you are paying to kill the chicks. Ask, "What do you think will happen to male chicks in the egg industry? Keep in mind that chickens raised for meat are a different breed and are unsuitable for meat." prize. Or ask, "Don't you think free range is a great marketing ploy to get people to buy your product without questioning their conscience?"
Even free-range poultry farms average an iPad's worth of space. Many chickens are genetically modified to lay 300 eggs per year instead of the original 10-20, and it is reported that more than 45% will get sick from the stress and fracture at some point in their lives. After about 1 year and 6 months, the exhausted chickens are killed by slitting their throats at the slaughterhouse, or they are submerged in boiling water and boiled to death.
Similarly in the dairy industry, male calves are useless and are taken from their calves within 24-72 hours of birth and sometimes even gunned down. Calves that are not shot are raised for veal or sold to farmers as beef cattle. Veal calves are hung upside down and their throats slit while they are still babies. Without the dairy industry, there would be no veal industry. In addition, cows are forced to become pregnant by artificial insemination in order to produce milk only after giving birth, just like humans. Ask questions such as, "What would happen to the calves if we humans were drinking milk that was made for calves?" please try.
Dairy cows are also breed-modified to produce 10 times more milk than the original. When cows can no longer produce calves or milk production declines, the mother cows are taken to the slaughterhouse where their throats are slit and the meat is used as a cheap meat product. Dairy cows are large animals that can live up to 25 years in nature, but they are killed after only 4-5 years after a hellish cycle of forced pregnancy and milking. Ask, "Milk is for calves, not humans, so don't you think it's weird to drink other animals' milk in the first place?"
When trying to convince ethical vegetarians, it's helpful to explain that all animals used in poultry and dairy farming end up in slaughterhouses. It should also account for the exploitation animals undergo in industries such as clothing, entertainment such as shows, and cosmetics. Vegetarians often participate in these systems without realizing it. Even vegetarians are heavily complicit in animal exploitation, and many are simply unaware of this fact, so this is a great opportunity to promote veganism.
21. Hitler Was A Vegetarian / Unacceptable Because I Have An Obnoxious Vegan Acquaintance

I grouped the ``Hitler was a vegetarian'' excuse and the ``every vegan person I knew was not a nice person'' excuse based on one person's actions and denials of one's outlook on life. .
First of all Hitler was not a vegetarian. It is believed that German politician Goebbels tried to make Hitler look more favorable in comparison to vegetarian Gandhi.
Even if Hitler was a vegetarian, the argument behind this is that the historically evil and atrocious person who committed such deeds cared so much about animals that being vegan would make them underestimate humans in relation to animals. It is a way of thinking that it may become
Throughout history, Mao Zedong, Mussolini, and Stalin, who committed unforgivable crimes, all ate meat. Applying Hitler's logic, you could say, "Stalin ate animals, so if you eat animals, you'll be like Stalin. You should go vegan."
If you're making this argument, it's also important to make yourself aware that you are vegan, not vegetarian, and that you are different from the vegetarian philosophy that perpetuates the slaughter of dairy cows and chicken farm chicks.
Slaughtering animals for unreasonable reasons is rather close to the behavior of the Nazis. The problem with this excuse is that it demonizes veganism by associating it with the opposite.
Then, the excuse that "the vegans I used to know weren't very kind". The idea is to deny veganism itself because the vegan acquaintance was not a good person.
This reasoning is flawed. I once got into an argument in New York with a woman who said she hated British people, but does that justify hating everyone or women in New York?
We've all had bad experiences with people at some point in our lives, but it's not logical to look down on everyone based on that one experience.
22. What about the ranch jobs?

When someone raises a question about the life of a rancher, I say, "Of course, we need to consider the life of a livestock farmer. Ranchers have been involved in the livestock industry since birth and questioned the morality of their work." There will be no.”
Many people have this image of good, honest ranchers struggling to make a decent income. But what we have to think about is that the ranch only does the work that is required to meet the needs of the consumer. We need to be mindful of the fact that we are not morally responsible for given needs.
Ask, "The rancher's livelihood issues need to be resolved, but don't you think the lives of animals and the planet are more important than money?" On top of that, wouldn't it be a story of 'what to do with the work of the rancher'?
The easiest is to switch to farming and produce only plants. Many ranchers are actually doing it. The Vegan Society provides financial assistance to ranches wishing to transition. Another is state subsidies. Some of the national tax goes to support farmers, but most of it goes to the dairy and livestock industries, which is one of the reasons why animal products are so cheap. Putting these subsidies into agriculture makes animal foods more expensive and less available, and plant products less expensive and more accessible.
Some farmers find it difficult to switch to farming because the land is unsuitable for cultivation, but they cannot justify profiting from enslaving and killing animals for work and livelihood. The struggle of livestock farmers to find new jobs is incomparable to the pain and fear of animals.
I wouldn't encourage everyone to smoke just because the tobacco industry would lose their jobs and livelihoods if no one smoked. Also, since not everyone will be vegan overnight, farmers will not be out of work anytime soon and will have a great opportunity to transition to other professions.
When it comes to life and work, we need to consider not only livestock farmers, but also the work of those who work in slaughterhouses. It is sometimes said that slaughterhouse workers are sick, but they work out of necessity, not out of desire. The reason this job exists is because consumers buy animal products. Slaughterhouse workers are immigrants and working-class people who have little choice.
The highest rates of any occupation suffer from PTSD, depression, anxiety disorders, suicide, drug and alcohol addiction, and have psychological problems from killing animals. Abolishing livestock farming would be liberating not only for the animals, but for them as well.
23. It can't be helped because this is the cycle of life

Similar to the food chain theory, this excuse is based on the belief that animal consumption is the law of nature and serves as a species in the animal kingdom. But to claim that eating animals is the cycle of life is a contradiction. The only two distinct moments in life: birth and death. The cycle of life refers to this very thing.
If it is true that intentional killing of life can be justified because all living things die, it means that taking any life in any way is justifiable.
Conversely, it is also interesting that the "circulation of life" does not apply when animals kill humans. Even if you hear the news that sharks and crocodiles have killed humans, no one will stand by and say, ``Since life is a cycle, it must die someday!'' We get angry and send hunters and fishermen to take revenge and try to kill the animal. It comes from the fear that the animals will try to kill more people, so if a human kills another human, they will be arrested and sent to prison.
If the cycle of life justifies the killing of animals, then it should justify the killing of all animals, not just those to which we wish to conveniently apply this logic. Moreover, if what seems to be natural is the basis, the breeding, breeding, exploitation and slaughter of animals are all justified.
How is it natural for humans to drink milk that is made to force cows to become pregnant and feed their offspring? Is it natural to put an animal in a gas chamber or electrocute it through the anus and wear its skin? Is the idea of a cycle of life justifying the application of cosmetics to the eyes of animals?
All of this overturns the concept of the cycle of life. What we are actually doing is far from the natural world.
24. Animals are bred for a reason

Humans decide why living things exist. It is a symbol of human arrogance to think that this right belongs to humans. It shows how we sacrifice and look down on animals.
Just because you decide what to do with an animal doesn't mean it's right. Does breeding a dog for the purpose of breeding it for dogfighting mean that dogfighting is morally right? In some countries, sex with animals is legal and there are even animal brothels that pay to rape animals. Having sex with an animal in a brothel should be perfectly moral if you use the "breeding makes sense" excuse. The animal was bred for that purpose.
This argument ignores the fact that animals want to live their lives and not feel pain or fear. Animals are unaware of why they are being bred, and their desire to live is exactly the same as humans. If you use this excuse, ask, "If fighting dogs are bred to fight, are fighting dogs moral?"
25. Soybean farming is also destroying the environment.

The United Nations recently announced that everyone must immediately switch to a plant-based diet to avoid the worst effects of climate change. However, one of the environmental problems is that soybean cultivation causes environmental problems such as rainforest destruction and habitat loss.
There is no doubt that the environmental impact and destruction caused by soybean cultivation is enormous. However, given that 85% of soybeans grown are fed to livestock animals, this debate will soon be resolved as enough soybeans for human consumption can be sustainably produced. . The problem is that soybeans are produced in large quantities as livestock feed, not because vegans drink soymilk. In addition, most genetically modified soybeans are grown as feed for livestock animals.
If someone brought up soybeans, they would say, "Did you know that over 85% of soybeans grown are fed to farmed animals? It's farming that makes soybeans so destructive." Let's tell. “For those of you who are concerned about the environmental impact of growing soy, I have a question. ?".
In addition, about 60 to 120 square meters of rainforest is cut down for livestock farming every second. Consider that it's only 13% overall. If you care about the environment, you must be vegan. That's all there is to it.
It is very important to emphasize this information when talking to environmental activists. Because most environmental activists aren't vegan yet. This is probably because they expect governments and companies to lead change in environmental issues. Instead of judging what we can do as individuals, we believe it makes sense to blame companies for exploiting the environment and blame them for all the problems we face today.
We, the consumers, are the ones who will lead the change, and governments should avoid subsidizing oil and gas lobbyists to switch to renewable energy. It is hypocrisy to just seek change without making the change that we can do ourselves.
26. Veganism is extreme, expensive and difficult, and why are you eating meat substitutes in the first place?

There is a misconception that the vegan diet is restrictive, expensive and elitist. However, since I became vegan, I have a wider range of foods to eat, and I have come to believe that non-vegan diets are more restrictive. For example, pizza, bolognese, curries, burritos, etc. can be veganized.
The only difference is that they are made from plants such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, grains, legumes and nuts. It is a food that helps prevent and cure disease, prolong life, and live in greater harmony with animals.
Non-vegans eat a lot of products that cause diseases like cancer and heart disease. Food made from animals that have been enslaved and killed, isn't that extreme?
But what about the idea that vegan food is expensive and only the wealthy can afford it?
Wherever you go to the supermarket, the most expensive foods are meat and cheese, and the least expensive foods are beans, rice, potatoes, pasta, and legumes. The majority of a vegan diet consists of the cheapest ingredients such as grains, starches, carbohydrates and vegetables.
Where a vegan diet becomes expensive is when you buy alternatives. For example, frozen vegan “chicken” nuggets are more expensive than non-vegan chicken nuggets, but this is related to supply and demand. More people will become vegan and it will become cheaper to buy those products. Soy milk is now available at the same price as milk, and vegan cheese is getting cheaper. Even substitutes are becoming more familiar and easier to obtain.
A vegan diet doesn't require eating expensive organic fruits or going to juice bars. A good vegan diet is based on foods that are much cheaper and more readily available than animal products.
Vegans are often asked, "If you don't want to eat animal products, why are you eating animal food alternatives?" The thought of eating animal products makes me sick and very uncomfortable, but like most vegans, I didn't become vegan because I didn't like the taste of animal products.
I realized that there are more important things in life than my sense of joy and satisfaction. You need to understand that you can't justify harming animals in the face of the reality that you enjoy yourself.
Vegans eat animal-based alternatives because they enjoy the texture and flavor, and because they don't have to kill or exploit animals to enjoy the taste.
27. Humans are omnivores with canine teeth.

There is plenty of evidence that humans are not omnivores by nature, but more like herbivores and fruit eaters. However, I noticed that the focus was only on whether humans are omnivorous or not, and the problem that the important issue of whether it is justified to kill animals was lost.
If humans are considered to be herbivores, humans can obtain energy and nutrients from plants to sustain life. This means that there is no need for humans to eat animals, and we cannot justify it.
A quick way to deny the canine argument that we are allowed to pay for animals to be killed because we have canines is that the largest terrestrial canines are strictly herbivores. It is to point out that it is a hippopotamus, which is an animal.
Our canine teeth cannot tear raw meat or kill animals, they are for chewing hard, chewy things like apples.
In addition, human teeth are flat and blunt and can be moved from side to side just like herbivores. In addition, the human stomach contains weak hydrochloric acid, but carnivorous animals have strong hydrochloric acid and the length of the intestine is one-third that of humans, and animal foods do not contain dietary fiber. is also important.
If you are a carnivore, you shouldn't be particular about the parts you eat, and the mere sight of a live animal should whet your appetite, and you shouldn't feel a strong aversion to grotesque internal organs.
28. God says humans can eat animals

Religion is one of the hardest excuses to refute. Because I believe God told me that it is permissible to eat animals. When we talk about veganism with religious people, we need to focus the discussion not on religion itself, but on how religion justifies exploitation of animals.
First of all, all religions say God can eat animals if he wants, but they don't say that you must.
To those who bring up the subject of religion, "When Jesus was alive, food was not as plentiful as it is today, so it is quite possible that he had to eat animals to survive, but as society progressed, Now that there is no longer a need to do so, wouldn't it be preferable in God's eyes not to kill the animals of His creation?"
Using religious beliefs to justify killing animals is exactly the same as using religious beliefs to oppress homosexuals and women. By the same logic, it would be moral to say, "My religion says I can treat homosexuals and women as inferior to me."
Nor do I think God is pleased with what He is doing to the earth and his creations that he made for us. Let's say you find a piece of wood and spend six days building a nice table for your friend. The friend who received it is very happy and starts destroying the table in front of them while saying thank you. Are you happy to see it? This is what we do with the earth to God.
God created animals other than humans, but we thank God every day for killing trillions of animals. They even play "God" by genetically modifying God's creations to create things that are convenient for them. God would not be happy to deprive us of the milk that is made for our own children, or to destroy the beautiful rainforests that God created to breed and slaughter more cows.
The problem with justifying anything with religion is that religious texts are very vague and open to interpretation. This is why Christians have different interpretations of whether homosexuality is a sin or not.
The Bible verse quoted to justify eating animals says, "Every living and moving thing shall be your food. As I gave you the green earth, I will give you food." It says "I will give you everything", but it also says "You must not eat living meat, that is, anything that has blood", so it is often used out of context. Furthermore, in the Bible book of Genesis, it is written, "To every beast of the earth, every bird of the air, and every creature that crawls on the ground, that is, all living things, he gives all green grass for food."
A simple question, "Do you think the slaughterhouse is the work of God or the devil?" Hell is described as a place of eternal suffering, torment and pain. Slaughterhouses are hell for animals, and no benevolent god or prophet will ever forgive what happens in a slaughterhouse. A question I often ask Christians is, "If Christ and the devil were locked in a room with a lamb, who would kill the lamb?"
29. Your friends and family will hate you if you go vegan

It's very difficult to deal with the pressure to conform and cooperate, but don't let the opinions of others influence your moral behavior. Many friendships are related to meals, so I think the difficulty is that I don't want to be isolated by avoiding it.
Fortunately, more and more restaurants are introducing vegan menus, and the vegan community is growing. If you're worried about making friends with non-vegans, encourage them to join an online vegan group or go to a vegan meetup. You should be able to meet like-minded people.
Next, let's look at the "family" aspect. If you become vegan while living with your parents, you may be skeptical about veganism or be ridiculed for your ethical choices. I can understand how difficult it is to have to watch what is eating away at your body.
What you can suggest is to tell your family the “why” you want to become vegan, ask your family if they can watch documentaries or YouTube videos, and encourage them to eat vegan food that is cheap, delicious, and healthy. And so on. In many cases, families don't know much about veganism, so it's important to be prepared.
But most importantly, it emphasizes the existence of a supportive community that is always ready to offer advice. If you feel uncomfortable and isolated in your relationships with friends and family, let them know that you can always reach out to this community. Being vegan is never alone.
30. One person can't change anything

The worrying thing about this excuse is that if everyone had this attitude, nothing would get done. Imagine if Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King said, "No one person can change anything."
In fact, one person can touch the hearts of thousands. Large movements are always made up of individuals, and it is the cumulative efforts of those individuals that create change. In the United States, 400 million fewer animals were killed in 2014 compared to 2007, a significant change given that the average person is estimated to eat about 7,000 animals in their lifetime. increase.
This is exactly the principle of supply and demand, every time we buy a vegan product we change what is being asked for and are voting for the world as it should be. And as demand increases, more vegan products will be created. This is why vegan cheese is lined up in supermarkets and vegan menus are starting to appear in restaurants.
We have a moral responsibility for our individual actions and a responsibility to assess the impact of our actions regardless of the actions of others. By going vegan, you are making a vehement statement against industries that use and kill animals.
If everyone had the attitude that "I can't change anything by myself", slavery and apartheid would still exist today. Progress has been made only because individuals who were in the minority at the time stood up and spoke out against injustice. It is up to each and every one of us to do what we have to do to rise up like those who came before us and save the animals, the planet and ourselves.

Ed Winters
Vegan Educator & Author & Public Speaker
Born in 1994, British vegan educator, author and speaker. Also famous as a YouTuber under the name of Earthling Ed. He has a career of giving lectures and speeches on veganism at major world universities such as Harvard and Cambridge, Google, and TEDx.